Anna McConville, DPT

Anna is a multifaceted physical therapist, author and resilience coach with over 30 years as a PT. She obtained a post graduate doctorate in the field of pain neuroscience and advanced manual therapy. She got her start at 18, as a graduate of an International Mime and Comedy School and traveled the country as a performer before falling in love with Education. When Pilates was just beginning to flourish in the mid 1990’s, Anna was part of the 1st graduating class for Studio Certification through the Physical Mind Institute. She incorporated Pilates as rehab in her private privative in NC. She is excited to be back in her home state and part of the joyful professional community at Studio U. Her love of learning allowed her to become skilled in many types of modalities and manual therapies, such as MFR, Mindfulness, Meditation, Tiny Habits, Biofeedback, Healing Touch, reiki Heartmath and Block Therapy.

(EDS) that motivates her in a quest for better health and a more resilient way to show up in the world. Her sessions may combine manual therapy with studio work. She has a special interest in complex conditions, with a deep focus on posture, movement, breath work while integrating movement, strength and flexibility training in the studio. She incorporates somatic movement with safe and sound trauma work, in groups and in one on one sessions to help with grounding, presence and embodiment. She is a certified Medical Cannabis consultant and works with people to help them understand how to utilize this powerful plant medicine and incorporate in into a pain management tool kit. Anna spends time writing, boating, hiking, creating fiber art and spending time in nature with her partner Steve and her dog Cedar.


Anna is described as a unicorn in the world of Physical Therapy. She sees the world through the lens of a wildly curious artist and doesn’t teach “cook book” programs because she believes that we are all unique and nuanced. She has a collagen and an autoimmune disorder